Figure 3. Airflow in inside and outside installations.
gine fuel pump. The outlet opening of
inside a shelter, one end of the flexible
the fuel filter is connected to the inlet
exhaust hose is connected to the
opening of the engine fuel pump (5,
engine exhaust manifold.
remainder of the exhaust hose is
extended to the outside of the shelter
(b) Hose assembly. The hose assembly
to carry the carbon monoxide gases
from the engine away from the shelter
(9, fig. 7) is approximately 10 feet
and into the atmosphere.
long. One end is connected to the fuel
filter (1) marked IN. The other end is
(e) Starting rope assembly. The starting
connected to the gasoline can adapter
rope assembly is furnished for the
(6). The hose assembly carries t he
purpose of manually starting the
fuel from the gasoline can adapter to
the fuel filter.
(c) Gasoline can adapter. The gasoline
Technical manuals TM
can adapter (6) is a modified gasoline
52805-206-14 and TM 5-280-206-24P
screw cap that fits the opening of a
are packed with each Military Standard
standard military 5-gallon gasoline call
Gasoline Engine.
A copy of
(7). The gasoline can is not part of the
Lubrication Order LO 35-805-206-14 is
filter unit.
also included in this package. These
manuals and the lubrication order will
(d) Exhaust hose assembly. The exhaust
remain, at all times, with the engine as
part of the filter unit. They become a
part of, and are to be used in
conjunction with, this manual.
connected to the exhaust manifold (4,
fig. 6). When the filter unit is operated