Section I. GENERAL
b. Use DD Form 6 to report damaged or improper
1. Scope
shipment of material.
This manual is published for the operator and
c. The direct reporting by the individual user of
organizational maintenance personnel responsible for
errors, omissions, and recommendations for improving
the operation and maintenance of the Filter Unit, Gas-
this manual is authorized and encouraged. DA Form
Particulate, Gasoline Engine Driven (GED) or Electric
2028 will be used for reporting these improvements.
Motor Driven (EMD), 300 CFM, ABC-M6A1. It contains
This form will be completed in triplicate using pencil, pen,
operation and maintenance instructions as well as a
or typewriter.
The original and one copy will be
description of the major units and their functions in
forwarded direct to: Commanding General, U.S. Army
relation to other components of the Filter Unit, Gas-
Edgewood Arsenal, ATTN:
Particulate, GED or EMD, 300 CFM, ABC-M6A1.
Edgewood Arsenal, MD., 21010. One information copy
will be provided to the individual's immediate supervisor
2. Appendixes
(e.g., officer, noncommissioned officer, supervisor, etc.).
4. Allocation of Maintenance
Refer to the maintenance allocation chart (app. II)
to determine maintenance personnel.
Report any
3. Records and Report Forms
maintenance requirement beyond the scope of
a. General. Use the appropriate forms prescribed
by TM 38-750.
maintenance personnel.
outlet hlose assembly (4). The ABC-M6A1 filter unit is
5. Description
powered by a gasoline engine ('2) or electric motor (2,
a. General. The filter unit, gas-particulate, GED,
fig. 2). The engine or motor is mounted on top of tile
300 CFM, ABC-M6A1 (fig. 1), and the filter unit, gas-
canister assembly and provides the power to rotate the
particulate, EMD, 300 CFM, ABC-M6A1 (fig. 2), are self-
lower impeller. The impeller moves contaminated air
contained units which remove toxic gases, dust, and
through the filters of tile canister and delivers purified air
aerosols (solid and liquid particles) from the atmosphere
to the CBR protective shelter (TM 3-250). The engine or
and deliver 300 cubic feet of purified air per minute. The
motor on the stand assembly can be rotated to position
ABC-M6A1 filter unit consists principally of a canister
tile blower for connection either to the canister air inlet or
assembly (5, fig. 1), blower assembly (3), engine and
the canister air outlet.
component parts (2), air inlet hose assembly (1), and air