1. Explanation of Columns
c. Column 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Maintenance
a. Column 1, Index Number. Column 1 lists the
Category. Column 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 indicate by an "X" the
number which is assigned to each group, component,
lowest maintenance category authorized to perform the
assembly, or subassembly to facilitate references. The
prescribed maintenance operation.
numbers are identical to and in the same sequence as
d. Column 8, Remarks. Column 8 is used for
those assigned to the same group, component,
special instructions.
assembly, or subassembly in the repair parts and special
tool lists.
2. Use of Chart
Column 1, Components and Related
Determine from the chart the maintenance category
Maintenance Operations.
Column 2 lists groups,
that is authorized to perform the required maintenance
components, assemblies, and subassemblies on which
operation. Refer to the text in the appropriate part of the
maintenance can be performed; and the maintenance
maintenance manual for instructions in performing the
operations which are authorized to be performed on
authorized maintenance operations defined below:
SERVICE --------------- To clean, to preserve, and to replenish fuel and lubricants
ADJUST----------------- To regulate periodically to prevent malfunction.
INSPECT --------------- To verify serviceability and to detect incipient electrical or mechanical failure by scrutiny.
TEST--------------------- To verify serviceability and to detect incipient electrical or mechanical failure by use of special
equipment such as gages, meters, and the like.
REPLACE -------------- To substitute serviceable assemblies and subassemblies for unserviceable component parts.
REPAIR ----------------- To restore an item to serviceable condition through correction of a specific failure or unserviceable
condition. This function includes but is not limited to, inspecting, cleaning, preserving, adjusting,
replacing, welding, riveting, and straightening.
ALINE ------------------- To adjust two or more components of an electrical system so that their functions are properly
CALIBRATE------------ To determine, check, or rectify the graduation of an instrument, weapon, or weapons system, or
components of a weapons system.
OVERHAUL ------------ To restore an item to completely servicable condition as prescribed by serviceability standards
developed and published by heads of technical services. This is accomplished through
employment of the technique of "Inspect and Repair Only as Necessary" (IROAN). Maximum
utilization of diagnostic and test equipment is combined with minimum disassembly of the item
during the overhaul process.
SYMBOL "X" ----------- The symbol "X" placed in the appropriate column indicates the maintenance category responsible
for performing that particular maintenance operation, but does not necessarily indicate that repair
parts will be stocked at that level. Maintenance categories higher than the category marked by
"X" are authorized to perform the indicated operation.