Remove hexagon head cap screw (7) and terminal of cable (8) from
Hexagon head
alternator (2). Remove nut (9) and flat washers (10) to loosen ground
cap screw (7)
cable (11) from alternator (2).
Cable (8)
Nut (9)
Flat washers (10)
Ground cable (11)
Unscrew and remove two hexagon plain nuts (1), two internal tooth lock
Internal tooth lock
washers (12), two hexagon head cap screws (13), and two internal tooth
washers (12)
lock washers (14).
Hexagon head cap
screws (13)
Lift alternator (2) (intact) off the skid base subassembly.
Internal tooth
lock washers (14)
Make sure woodruff key is attached to alternator
Unscrew and remove hexagon head cap screw (15), internal tooth lock
Hexagon head cap
washer (16), alternator bracket (17), self-locking nut (18), flat washer (19),
screw (15)
and groove pulley assembly (20).
Internal tooth
lock washer (16)
If the alternator is to be replaced, disassemble and keep hexagon head
cap screw (15), internal tooth lock washer (16), alternator bracket (17),
Self-locking nut (18)
and groove pulley (20) to use on the new alternator.
Flat washer (19)
Groove pulley
assembly (20)
TM 3-4230-209-20&P