TM 11591522613
6-7. Parts Replacement Techniques
b. Make well soldered connections; a care-
lessly soldered joint may create a new trouble,
and is one of the most difficult problems to iso-
The majority of parts comprising the
late. Be careful not to allow drops of solder to
F-1461/VRC are accessible when the top cover
fall into the equipment; this action may cause
is removed. The electronic component assem-
short circuits.
for filtering the DC supply. This assembly is to
6-8. Replacement of Indicator Lamp
be replaced when faulty.
Shutdown system power to the
indicator lamp.
F-1461/VRC before starting work. Do
not work on live circuits.
6-9. Removal and Installation of Electronic
Component Assembly
a. Special instructions for the removal and
replacement of the electronic component as-
parts or repairing wiring, tag leads and mark
electronic component assembly.
terminals for positive identification before dis-
connecting any wiring to assure proper recon-
6-10. Disassembly of F-1461/VRC
nection. When wiring is replaced, use wire that
conforms with the original wire size and mark-
ing. Most parts can be reinstalled by remount-
ing them in their original locations with the
original hardware and reconnecting the leads.
6-11. Reassembly of F-1461/VRC
Remove and install components that are
having a 25-watt maximum capacity. If
b. Check the cover gasket for distortion or
loss of resiliency. Replace a damaged or dead
ages can be induced in the circuits com-