TM 5-4520-208-25P
install the listed item. The maint-
nance level codes are:
Organizational maintananoe
Direct auppofi maintenance
Geneml suppoti xnaintanance
Depot maintananoe
Recoverability Code indicates whether
unserviceable items should be re-
turned for recovery or salvage. Items
not coded are expendable. Recover-
ability codee are:
Applied b repair m and amenbliu
which are economically xepahble aa DSU
snd GSU activities and normally am fur-
aiebad by MIpply on an exchangv *
Applied to high dollar value mcovamble
rmair parts whkb l e aubhet ti apecid
handling l nd am iseuql on ~ =-
M such Xepdr partJ normally are m
pmiml or werhauled at depot rmintaaam
Applied tQ repdr parta specifically tiectad
f= ealvage -by Aamaiion Uniti kaum
of pmcloue mehl content critial mat4tri-
84 high dollar value rauaable cuinga
or *g&
b. Federal Stock Number indicates the
Federal stock number for the item.
c. Description column indicates the Federal
item name and brief description of the item.
A five-digit manufacturers or other service
code is shown followed by the manufacturer's
part number. Repair parts quantities included
in kits, sets, and assemblies that differ from
the actual quantity used in the specific item,
are listed in parentheses following the repair
part name.
d. Unit of Issue indicates the unit used as
a basis of issue, e.g., es, pr, ft, yd, etc.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack indi-
cates the actual quantity contained in the unit
f. Quantity Incorporate in Unit indicates
the actual number of parts used in the ap-
plication. A zero is shown when components
of kite or sets are listed that are not applicable
to the specific end item.
g. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
The allowance columns are divided
into four subcolumns. Indicated in
each subcolumn is the quantity of
items authorized for the number of
equipments supported. Items author-
ized for use as required but not for
initial stockage are identified with an
asterisk in the allowance column.
The quantitative allowances for or-
ganizational level of maintenance rep-
resents one initial prescribed load for
a 15-day period for the number of
equipments supported. Unite and or-
ganizations authorized additional
scribed loads will multiply the num-
ber of prescribed loads authorized by
the quantity of repair parts reflected
in the appropriate density column to
obtain the total quantity of repair
parts authorized.
Items identified by an asterisk may
be requisitioned as required. Subse
quent changes and/or additions to
allowances will be limited to the pro-
visions of AR 735-26. The range of
items authorized will be made by this
Command baaed upon engineering ex-
perience, demand data, or TAERS in-
Allowances are based on 4,000 hours
of operation per year.
h. Thirty-Day DS/GS Maintenance Al-
The allowance columns are divided
into three subcolumns. Indicated in
each subcolumn is the quantity of
items authorized for a number of
equipment supported. Items author-
ized for use as required but not for
initial stockage are identified with an
asterisk in the allowance column.
The quantitative allowance for
DS/GS levels of maintenance will
represent initial stockage for a 30-day
period for the number of equipments