T M 5 - 4 5 2 0 - 2 0 8 - 2 5P
1 . S c o pe
This manual contains a list of reparts parts
required for the performance
of organizational,
direct support, general support and depot main-
tenance of the heater.
2. General
This repair parts list is divided into four
principal sections and a Federal stock number
a. Section II, Prescribed Load Allowance
List (PLA), is a consolidated listing of repair
parts quantitatively elloatad for initial stock-
age at the organizational level. This is a man-
datory minimum stockage allowance.
b. Section III, Repair Parts List, is a list
of repair parts authorized for the performance
of maintenance at the organizational level.
No special tools required for this end item.
c. Section IV, Repair Parts List, is a list of
repair parts authorized for the performance of
maintenance at the direct support general sup-
port, and depot level.
d. Section V, Federal stock number and
Manufacturers Part Number Index, is an index
of Federal stock numbers and manufacturers
part numbers to page and manufacturers codes.
e. Refer to TM 5-2805-208-14, for Repair
Parts applicable to engine assembly.
f. Parts applicable to specific models of
this end item are indicated by a letter symbol in
description column, following the
nomenclature. Parts not indicated by a letter
symbol apply to all models. The symbols apply
as follow:
(A)-applies to model BT 400-40
(B)-applies to model BT 400-40-1.
3. Explanation of Columns
The following provides an explanation of
columns in the tabular lists.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
Source Code indicates the selection
status and source for the listed item.
Source codes used are:
Applied to repairs parts which are stocked
in or supplied from DSA/GSA or Army
supply system and authorized for use at
indicated maintenance categories.
Applied in repair parts which are not pro-
cured or stocked but are to be manu-
factured at indicated maintenance
Applied to assemblies which are not pro-
cured or stocked as such but made up of
two or more units, each of which carry
individual stock numbers and dcscrip
tions and procured and stocked and
can be assembled by units at indicated
maintenance categories.
Applied to repair parts which are not pro-
cured or stocked the requirement for
which will be supplied by use of the next
higher assemnbly or components.
Applied to repair parts which are not
stocked. The indicated maintenance cate-
gory requiring such repair parts will at-
tempt to obtain them through cannibali-
zation; if not obtainable through canni-
balization, such repair parts will be req-
uisitioned with supporting justification
through norma1 supply channels.
Note. Source code is not shown on com-
mon hardware items known to be readily
available in Army supply channels and
through local procurement.
(2) Maintenance Code indicates the lowest
category of maintenance authorized to