each item in the kit or set indicated in front of the
Cannibalization or salvage may be used as a
item name.
source of supply for any items source coded above
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). I n d i c a t e s t h e
except those coded X l and aircraft support items
standard or basic quantity by which the listed item
as restricted by AR 700-42.
i s used in performing the actual maintenance
(2) Maintenance code indicates the lowest
f u n c t i o n . This measure is expressed by a two-
level of maintenance authorized to install the repair
character alphabetical abbreviation, e.g., ea, in., pr
part and/or use the special tool or test equipment
etc., and is the basis used to indicate quantities and
for each application. Capabilities of higher
allowances in subsequent columns.
maintenance levels are considered equal or better.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the
Maintenance codes are:
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on
the illustration figure, which is prepared for an
Crew / Operator
assembly group or an assembly. A "V" appearing
Organizational maintenance
in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that no
(3) Recoverability c o d e indicates whether
specific quantity is applicable, e.g., shims, spacers,
unserviceable items should be returned for recovery
or salvage. Items not coded are nonrecoverable.
f. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
Recoverability codes are:
(1) Items authorized for use as required but
n o t for initial stockage are identified with an
Repair parts (assemblies and components),
asterisk in the allowance column.
special tools, and test equipment which are
(2) The allowance columns are divided into
considered economically reparable at direct and
general support maintenance levels. When the
four subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn is
item is no longer economically reparable, it is
the total quantity of special tools authorized for the
normally disposed of at the GS level. When supply
number of equipments supported. (Not ap-
considerations dictate, some of these repair parts
may be listed for automatic return to supply for
g. Illustration. This column is divided as
depot level repair as set forth in AR 710-50. When
so listed, they will be replaced by supply on an
follows :
exchange basis.
number. Indicates
(1) Figure
t h e figure
Repair parts, special tools, test equipment, and
number of the illustration in which the item is
assemblies which are economically reparable at
DS and GS activities and which normally are
(2) I t e m n u m b e r . I n d i c a t e s t h e c a l l o u t
furnished by supply on an exchange basis. When
items are determined by a GS to be economically
number used to reference the item on the
reparable, they will be evacuated to a depot for
evaluation and analysis before final disposition.
High dollar value recoverable repair parts, special
C-4. Special Information
tools, and test equipment which are subject to
a. The basis of issue for authorized special tools,
special handling and are issued on an exchange
test, and support equipment is the number of end
basis. Such items will be repaired or overhauled at
depot maintenance activities only. No repair may
items of equipment supported and the number of
be accomplished at lower levels.
maintenance personnel allocated to perform the
Repair parts, special tools, and test equipment
required maintenance operations.
specifically selected for salvage by reclamation
b. Parts which require manufacture or assembly
units because of their precious metal content,
at a- level higher than that authorized for in-
critical materials, high dollar value, or reusable
casings or castings.
stallation will indicate in the source column the
higher level.
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the Federal
stock number assigned to the item and will be used
C-5. How to Locate Repair Parts
for requisitioning purposes.
a. When Federal stock number or reference
c. Description. Indicates the Federal item name
number is unknown:
and a minimum description required to identify the
(1) Using the table of contents, determine the
item. The last line indicates the reference number
a s s e m b l y group within w h i c h the repair part
followed by the applicable Federal Supply Code for
belongs. This is necessary since illustrations are
Manufacturer (FSCM) in parentheses. The FSCM
prepared for assembly groups, and listings are
is used as an element in item identification to
divided into the same groups.
designate manufacturer or distributor or Govern-
ment agency, etc., and is identified in SB 708-42.
(2) Find the illustration covering the assembly
group to which the repair part belongs.
Items that are included in kits and sets are listed
below the name of the kit or set with quantity of
(3) Identify the repair part on the illustration