(3) Slightly open air vent valve (5 fig. 1-2,
Do not operate the filter-separator unit
sheet 1 of 2) to allow entrapped air to escape.
until it has been connected to a suitable
(4) Start the system pumping unit.
ground. G r o u n d u n i t p r o p e r l y b y
(5) Open any up-stream blocking valve slightly
driving grounding rod into ground at
to fill slowly with as little pressure as possible.
(6) When the unit is completely filled, fuel will
least 36 inches before connecting
ground cable. In the event that im-
come through the air vent valve. Close the air vent
pregnable soil is encountered bury in a
valve. Make a visual inspection of all connections,
horizontal trench not less that eight feet
joints, and piping components for visible leaks.
b. Operation.
i n length and at least eight inches
(1) After completion of the visual inspection,
beneath the surface. A static-discharge
could ignite the fuel or cause an ex-
open any down-stream system blocking valve to full
plosion of the fuel vapor.
open position.
(2) Open the up-stream blocking valve.
(3) When the filter-separator is on full
a. The instructions in this section are for the
o p e r a t i n g pressure and flow, check differential
information and guidance of personnel responsible
pressure indicator (6, fig. 1-2, sheet 1 of 2). If
for operation of the filter-separator.
either button has popped up during initial startup,
b. The operator must know how to perform
reset buttons and continue operation.
every operation of which the filter-separator is
(4) When the filter-separator is in operation,
capable. T h i s section contains instructions on
periodic examination of all connections, valves, and
starting, operation, a n d s t o p p i n g o f t h e f i l t e r
gages f o r p o s s i b l e m a l f u n c t i o n s or l e a k s i s
separator. Since nearly every installation presents a
different problem, the operator may have to vary
(5) Check differential pressure indicator
given procedures to fit the condition. It is man-
p e r i o d i c a l l y . Change filter elements (para 3-5)
datory that the performance of filter-separators on
immediately if the red button on the differential
all aircraft refueling equipment be checked every
pressure indicator is in a raised position.
30 days through the submission of samples taken
(6) Once each day, open the air vent valve (5,
fig. 1-2, sheet 1 of 2)
slightly during operation to be
separator. U p o n
sure the filter-separator remains free of entrapped
representative will furnish sample containers to
air. When all the entrapped air has escaped, a small
components of the Army, Army National Guard, or
amount of fuel will come out the air vent valve. At
Reserve operating aircraft refueling equipment.
this point close the valve.
Samples will be sent to the petroleum laboratory
(7) Drain water daily or when ball (34, fig. 1-
designated by the petroleum representative. In the
2, sheet 2 of 2) reaches the mark on the body (32)
e v e n t a sample indicates u n s a t i s f a c t o r y per-
of the sight gage assembly (29).
formance of filter-separator equipment, the sub-
mitting activity will be notified by telephone and
a. Stop the system pumping unit.
w i l l be advised to change the filter-separator
b. Close the up-stream blocking valve.
elements (AR 703-1, 1 Apr. 1971).
c. Close the down-stream blocking valve to
isolate the filter-separator from the system.
a. Preparation for Starting
d. Drain any accumulated water by opening
(1) Make sure that water drain valve (36, fig.
w a t e r drain valve (36, fig. 1-2, sheet 2 of 2).
1-2, sheet 2 of 2) is closed.
(2) Be sure hoses are connected securely to
inlet and outlet.