C . . . . . . . .
O . . . . . . . .
( 3)
Crew or Operator maintenance.
Organizational maintenance.
Recoverability code indicates whether
unserviceable items should be returned for re-
covery or salvage.
Items not coded are expend-
able. Recoverability codes are:
Applied to repair parts, (assemblies and com-
ponents) special tools and test equipment
which are considered economically repar-
able at direct and general support main-
tenance levels. When the item is no longer
economically reparable, it is normally dis-
posed of at the GS level. When supply
considerations dictate, some of these repair
parts may be listed for automatic return
to supply for depot level repair as set forth
in AR 710-50. When so listed, they will be
replaced by supply on an exchange basis.
Repair Parts, Special Tools, and Test Equip-
ment and assemblies which are economical-
ly reparable at DSU and GSU activities and
which normally are furnished by supply on
an exchange basis.
When items are de-
termined by a GSU to be uneconomically
reparable, they will be evacuated to a depot
for evaluation and analysis before final dis-
High dollar value recoverable repair parts,
special tools and test equipment which are
subject to special handling and are issued
on an exchange basis.
Such items will be
evacuated to the depot for overhaul or final
disposition. Communication-Electronics and
Missile Support items will be repaired over-
hauled only at depots.
Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test Equip-
ment specifically selected for salvage by
reclamation units because of their precious
metal content, critical materials, high dol-
lar value or reusable casings or castings.
b. Federal Stock Number. This column in-
dicates the Federal stock number assigned to
the item and will be used for requisitioning pur-
c. Description.
This column indicates the
Federal item name and a minimum characteristic
description required to describe the item. As-
sembly components and subassemblies are in-
dented under major assemblies. The abbreviation
w/e, when used as part of the nomenclature,
indicates the Federal stock number includes all
armament, equipment, accessories, and repair
parts issued with the item. A part number or
other reference number is followed by the
a p p l i c a b l e f i v e - d i g i t F e d e r a l s u p p l y c o de
for manufacturers in parenthesis. Material re-
quired for manufacture or fabrication is identi-
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). A two-character
alphabetic abbreviation indicating the amount
or quantity of the item, as used, upon which the
allowances are based, e.g. ft., ea., pr., etc.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This c o l -
umn indicates the quantity of the item used in
the assembly group.
A V appearing in this
column in lieu of a quantity indicates that a
definite quantity cannot be indicated, e.g., shims,
spacers, etc.
f. Illustration.
This column is divided as fol-
(1) Figure number.
Indicates the figure
number of the illustration in which the item is
(2) Item number.
Indicates the callout
n u m b e r u s e d t o r e f e r e n c e t h e i t e m o n t h e i l -
C-4. Special Information
a. Identifications of the useable on codes in-
cluded in the description column of this publi-
cation are:
(Not applicable).
b. Parts which require manufacture or as-
sembly at a level higher than that authorized for
installation will indicate in the source column
the higher level.
C-5. How to Locate Repair Parts
a. When Federal Stock Number, Reference
Number, or Part Number is unknown:
(1) Using the table of contents, determine
the assembly group within which the repair part
This is necessary since illustrations
are prepared for assembly groups and listings
are divided into the same groups.
(2) Find the illustration covering the assem-
bly group to which the repair part belongs.
(3) Identify the repair part on the illustra-
tion and note the illustration figure and item
number of the repair part.
(4) Using the Repair Parts Listing, find
the assembly to which the repair part belongs
and locate the illustration figure and item num-
ber noted on the illustration.
b. When the Federal Stock Number, Refer-
ence Number, or Part Number is known:
the Repair Parts Listing to find the assembly
group of the repair part and the illustration
figure number and item number.
c. When the Federal Stock Number, Refer-
ence Number, or Part Number is Known and
the Repair Part is not Illustrated: Using the
applicable group number and page number, lo-