APPENDIX CREPAIR LIST FOR ORGANIZATIONALMAINTENANCESection I. INTRODUCTIONC-1. Scopea. This appendix lists repair parts, specialtools, test and support equipment required forthe performance of organizational maintenanceof the Filter-Separator.b. Repair parts listed represent those author-ized for use at indicated maintenance levels andwill be requisitioned (on an “as required” basisuntil stockage is justified by demand in accord-ance with AR 735-35 or AR 710-2).C-2. GeneralThis Repair Parts and Special Tools List isdivided into the following sections:a. Repair Parts-Section II. A list, in figureand item number sequence, of repair parts au-thorized at the organizational level for the per-formance of maintenance, including those itemswhich must be removed for replacement of theauthorized item. Items, except kits and sets, arelisted by assembly group in top down break-down sequence.b. Special Tools, Test and Support Equip-ment-Section III. (Not A p p l i c a b l e ).c . F e d e r a l S t o c k N u m b e r a n d R e f e r e n c eNumber Index-Section IV. (Not Applicable).NOTEItems not illustrated are cross-referenced togroup number.C-3. Explanation of ColumnsThe following provides and explanation of col-umns in the tabular lists in Sections II and III.a. Source, Maintenance, and RecoverabilityCodes (SMR):(1) Source code indicates the source for thelisted item. Source codes are:CodePP2ExplanationRepair Parts, Special Tools and Test Equip-ment supplied from GSA/DSA, or Armysupply system, and authorized for use atindicated maintenance levels.Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test Equip-ment which are procured and stocked forinsurance purposes because combat or mili-tary essentiality of the end item dictatesthat a minimum quantity be available inthe supply system.CodeExplanationMRepair Parts, Special Tools and Test Equip-ment which are not procured or stocked, assuch, in the supply system but are to bemanufactured atindicated maintenancelevels.AAssemblies which are not procured or stockedas such, but are made up of two or moreunits. Such component units carry indi-vidual stock numbers and descriptions, areprocured and stocked separately and canbe assembled to form the required assem-bly at indicated maintenance levels.XParts and assemblies that are not procuredor stocked because the failure rate isnormally below that of the applicable enditem of component.The failure of suchpart or assembly should result in retire-ment of the end item from the supply sys-tem.X1Repair Parts which are not procured orstocked.The requirement for such itemswill be filled by the next higher assemblyor component.X2Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test Equip-ment which are not stocked and have noforeseen mortality. The indicated mainte-nance level requiring such repair parts willattempt to obtain the parts through canni-balization or salvage, if not obtainablethrough cannibalization or salvage, theitem may be requisitioned with exceptiondata, from the end item manager, for im-mediate use.GMajor assemblies that are procured withPEMA funds for initial issue only as ex-change assemblies at DSU and GSU level.Those assemblies will not be stocked abovethe DS and GS level or returned to depotsupply level.NOTECannibalization or salvage may be used as asource of supply for any items source codedabove except those coded X1 and aircraft sup-port items as restricted by AR 700-42.(2) Maintenance code indicates the lowestlevel of maintenance authorized to install thelisted item.Repair Parts and Special Tools as-signed maintenance code “C” may be stocked atthe operator level of maintenance when author-ized by the Unit Commander. The maintenancelevel codes are:C-1
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