If equipment fails to operate, refer to trouble-
shooting procedures in chapter 3.
2-1. General
a. The instructions in this section are pub-
lished from the information and guidance of
personnel responsible for operating the filter-
b. It is important that the operator know
how to perform every operation of which the
filter-separator is capable. This section gives
instructions on starting and stopping the equip-
ment and detailed operating instructions. Since
nearly every job presents a different problem,
the operator may have to vary the given pro-
cedure to fit the individual job.
Operate filter-separator only in the up-
right position. If unit tips over during
operation, stop operation at once. Up-
right and drain unit and allow to dry be-
fore continuing operation.
2-2. Starting
Perform the daily preventive maintenance
checks and services, table 3-1. Prior to start-
ing, the external valve between the pump and
filter-separator inlet should be completely closed
and the air vent valve open.
Fig. 2-1
for location and purpose of the air vent valve,
drain valve, differential pressure indicator, and
sight gage).
This procedure will prevent dam-
age to the filter coalescer elements from sud-
den fuel surges into an empty or partially filled
vessel on pump startup.
Gradually open ex-
ternal valve and fill vessel slowly until all air is
expelled and fuel flows from air vent valve (fig.
2-1 ). Close air vent valve and open ex-
ternal valve to full flow rate. If the red indicator
signal button on the differential pressure indica-
tor pops up (fig. 2-1 ) during starting, re-
set button by pushing downward into body after
system is operational. It is mandatory that the
performance of filter/separators on all aircraft
refueling equipment be checked every 30 days
through the submission of samples taken from
the effluent stream of the filter/separators. Upon
request, the petroleum representative will furnish
sample containers to components of the Army,
Army National Guard, or Reserve operating air-
craft refueling equipment. Samples will be sent to
the petroleum laboratory designated by the pe-
troleum representative. In the event a sample
indicates unsatisfactory performance of filter/
separator equipment, the submitting activity will
be notified by telephone and will be advised to
change the filter-separator elements. (AR 703-1,
1 Apr 1971).