(3) Inspect hose clamps (15) for cracks or
(1) Install one hose clamp (15) over end of
hose (16) and insert hose adapter (14) in
hose. Tighten hose clamp.
(4) Check pins in connector (13) for tightness.
Inspect connector for cracks, burrs, or
(2) Apply gasket sealing compound, type II,
Specification MIL-S-45180 to mating
surfaces of hose adapter and connector
(5) Inspect screen assembly (3) for torn or
(13). Slide connector to hose adapter
distored wire mesh.
until bottomed; align holes and install four
drive screws (12).
c. Repair. Straighten screen assembly if distorted.
(3) Install other hose clamp (15) over end of
If the screen assembly cannot be repaired, secure new
hose (16) and insert hose adapter (14)
screen assembly to hose adapter with four rivets and
with screen assembly (3) into end of hose.
plain washers.
Tighten hose clamp.
d. Assembly.
21. Description and Function
22. Maintenance
The electric motor installation is described in
General support personnel are authorized to repair
and replace all assemblies and component parts that
AGO 8757A