TM 10-4330-237-13&P
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) involves systematic caring, inspection, and servicing of equipment
to keep it in good condition and prevent breakdowns. Table 2-2 lists the liquid fuel filter-separator PMCS. Service
intervals are divided into categories: Before Operation; During Operation; After Operation; and various other checks and
services to be performed at prescribed hourly intervals. Table 2-2 organizes your PMCS tasks in chronological sequence.
As the liquid fuel filter-separator operator, you should:
Perform your PMCS as scheduled in table 2-2. Always do your PMCS in the same order, so it gets to be a habit.
Always assume explosive vapors are present at the liquid fuel filter-separator. Do not allow any smoking or spark
producing equipment within fifty feet of the liquid fuel filter-separator while performing your PMCS.
Do your BEFORE PMCS prior to the equipment leaving its staging/service area or performing its intended
mission. Keep in mind the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS.
Do your DURING PMCS during liquid fuel filter-separator operation. Leaks can be spotted only during operation.
Keep in mind the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS.
Do your AFTER PMCS as soon as possible after the liquid fuel filter-separator has been taken out of its mission
mode or returned to its containment area. Keep in mind the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS.
If your equipment fails to operate, perform the operator troubleshooting procedures presented in this manual.
Report unresolved maintenance problems to unit maintenance personnel.
Dry cleaning solvent, PD 680, Type III, used to clean parts, is potentially dangerous
to personnel and property. Eye protection is required. Avoid repeated and
prolonged skin contact by wearing rubber or nonporous gloves when handling
solvents or material wet with dry cleaning solvent. Wash hands immediately after
exposure with soap and water and use a lanolin based skin cream to prevent skin
drying. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat. Do not work with solvent in
a closed room. Be sure there is good ventilation or the solvent vapors will build up
in the air and become a poisonous mixture which can cause physical injury or
even death.
Cleanliness. Dirt, grease, oil and debris only get in the way and may cover up a serious problem. Use dry
cleaning solvent SD (P-D-680) or some other suitable cleaning solvent on all metal surfaces.
Bolts, Nuts and Screws. Check bolts, nuts and screws for obvious looseness and missing, bent or broken
conditions. Look for chipped paint, bare metal or rust around bolt heads. If any part seems loose, tighten it or
notify Unit Maintenance.
Welds. Look for loose or chipped paint, rust or gaps where parts are welded together. If a bad weld is found,
notify Unit Maintenance.
Electric Wires and Connections. Look for cracked or broken insulation, bare wires and loose connectors. Tighten
loose connectors and make sure bare wires are in a serviceable condition. If a bad wire or connector is found,
notify Unit Maintenance.