TM 10-4330-234-13&P
1-8 Location and Description of Major Components. (Figure 1-2)
FILTER/SEPARATOR SHELL (1). Consists of an aluminum shell contained within an aluminum frame.
FILTERING SECTION (2). The center portion of the filter/separator shell contains 30 filter separating devices.
CONTROL FLOAT VALVE (3). This valve contains a float ball. As the water level rises on the deck plate of the
filter separator tank, the float ball rises until it reaches an initial predetermined Level. System pressure forces
entrapped water out of the tank.
AUTOMATIC WATER DRAIN VALVE (4). This valve will automatically drain when it receives system fluid
pressure from the control float valve (3).
PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (5). This valve is preset at 165 pounds per square inch (psi) (1137.7 kpa). When
the internal pressure of the tank exceeds this setting, the valve will open.
SIGHT GAGE (6). The sight gage gives a visual indication of where water and fuel interface.
DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE GAGE (7). Reads the pressure required to force the fuel through the filter
MANUAL DRAIN GATE VALVE (8). Provides a way of manually draining the filter/separator tank.
DRAIN PLUG (9). A pipe plug connected to the bottom of the unit to allow drainage of fuel and water when
PRESSURE VENT VALVE (10). A manually operated valve used to depressurize the filter/separator.
ISOLATION DRAIN VALVE (11). Used when isolation of the automatic drain valve is required.