Figure 4-3. Differential pressure gage
(Velcon Model V-1520-ANZ).
read as follows: Column 2, "Differential Pressure
Page 4-8, paragraph 4-15c (2). In line 4, add "or
Indicator (gage)"; Column C, add "0/0.5"; and Column
equivalent" after "MIL-S-7916".
5 "(Remarks)", add "D-C".
Paragraph 4-15c (4) is added as follows:
Section IV. Add a new line as follows:
(4) Velcon Model V-1520-ANZ filter-separator.
Service consists of removing and cleaning differential
(a) Install elbow (3, fig. 4-3) in outlet side of
pressure indicator (gage), piston, spring, and fuel
(b) Install spring (10) and piston (9) in gage and
Page C-4, line 3, column 2. Add FSN "4330-389-4834"
secure in place with connector inlet connector (8).
for P/N 13217E5354.
(c) Install gage on filter-separator and secure
Line 18 is added as follows: Column 1, "PO";
in the screws and washers.
Column 3, "TUBE ASSY., (MODEL V-1520-ANZ),
(d) Install tube assemblies to elbows and
13217E5365-4"; Column 4, "EA"; Column 5, "(2)"; and
secure in place.
Column 7, Fig. "4-3, 1 & 2".
Paragraph 4-16a. After second sentence, line 7, add:
Page C-5. Add after line 10: Column 1, "PO"; column
"for Model V-1520-ANZ filter-separator readings for
20 p.s.i. 15% are in the yellow band on the gage and
ASSEMBLY (Model V-1520-ANZ)", P/N 1201-RG1
readings of 35 p.s.i. 15% are in the red band on the
(30839)": column 4. "EA": column 5. "1"; column 7, fig.
"4-3, item 7".
Paragraph 4-16b. In line 3, add "(gage)" after
Page I-1. Subject D, line 5, is changed to read as
"Button indicators".
follows: "Differential pressure indicator (gage)".
Paragraph 4-18b. In line 5, add "or equivalent"
Subject M. Lines 14, 15 and 16 are changed to read
after "MIL-S-7916".
as follows: "Differential pressure indicator (gage)".
Page B-2, section II. Group 03, line 4 is changed to