merical sequence, of all Federal stock numbers
AF Item to be assembled at the direct support main-
appearing in the listings, followed by a list, in
tenance level.
alphameric sequence, of all reference numbers
AH Item to be assembled at the general support main-
appearing in the listings. Federal stock numbers
tenance level.
and reference numbers are cross-referenced to
AD Item to be assembled at depot maintenance levels.
each illustration figure and item number appear-
X A Item is not procured or stocked because the re-
quirements for the item will result in the replace-
ment of the next higher assembly.
3. Explanation of Columns
X B Item is not procured or stocked. If not available
through salvage, requisition.
The following provides an explanation of columns
X C Installation drawing, diagram, instruction sheet,
found in the tabular listings.
field service drawing, that is identified by manu-
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
facturers' part number.
Codes (SMR), (5 Positions).
(1) Source codes (positions 1 and 2). Indi-
cates the source for the listed items. Source
Cannibalization or salvage may be used
codes are-
as a source of supply for any items
source coded above except those coded
PA Item procured and stocked for anticipated or known
XA and aircraft support items as re-
stricted by AR 700-42.
PE Item procured and stocked for insurance purposes
(2) Maintenance codes (positions 3 and 4).
because essentiality dictates that a minimum quan-
(a) Position 3. The maintenance code
tity be available in the supply systems.
entered in third position indicates the lowest
PC Item procured and stocked and which otherwise
would be coded PA except that it is deteriorative in
maintenance level authorized to remove, replace,
and use the support item. Capabilities of higher
PD Support item, excluding support equipment, pro-
maintenance categories are considered equal or
cured for initial issue or outfitting and stocked only
better. Maintenance codes are-
for subsequent or additional initial issues or out-
fittings. Sot subject to automatic replenishment.
PE Support equipment procured and stocked for initial
issue or outfitting to specified maintenance repair
Organizational maintenance
Direct support maintenance
PF Support equipment which will not be stocked but
General support maintenance
which will be centrally procured on demand.
Depot maintenance
PG Item procured and stocked to provide for sustained
(b) Position 4. The maintenance code en-
support for the life of the equipment. It is applied
to an item peculiar to the equipment which because
tered in the fourth position indicates whether the
of probable discontinuance or shutdown of produc-
item is to be repaired and identifies the lowest
tion facilities would prove uneconomical to repro-
maintenance level with the capability to perform
duce at a later time.
complete repair (i.e., all authorized maintenance
KD An item of depot overhaul/repair kit and not pur-
functions). Capabilities of higher maintenance
chased separately, Depot kit defined as a kit that
categories are considered equal or better. Mainte-
provides items required at the time of overhaul or
nance codes are-
KF An item of a maintenance kit and not purchased
separately. Maintenance kit defined as a kit that
Organizational maintenance
provides an item that can be replaced at organiza-
Direct support maintenance
tional or intermediate levels of maintenance.
General support maintenance
KB Item included in both a depot overhaul/repair kit
Depot maintenance
and a maintenance kit.
Non-repairable. No repair is authorized.
M O Item to be manufactured or fabricated at organiza-
tional level.
(3) Recoverability code (position 5). Indi-
MF Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the direct
cates whether unserviceable items should be re-
support maintenance level.
turned for recovery or salvage. Recoverability
MH Item to be manufactured or fabricated at the gen-
codes are-
eral support maintenance level.
MD Item to be manufactured or fabricated at depot
maintenance level.
Non-repairable item. When unserviceable, condemn
and dispose at the level indicated in position 3.
AO Item to be assembled at organizational level.