requisitioned on an as-required basis until stockage is
based on demand in accordance with AR 710-2.
F Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
(2) Major Army commanders are authorized
condemn it and dispose of it at the direct support
to approve reductions in the range of support items
authorized for use in units within their commands.
H Repairable item. When uneconomically repairable,
Recommendations for increases, in the range of items
condemn it and dispose of it at the general support
authorized for use, should be forwarded to the
Commanding Officer, Edgewood Arsenal, ATTN:
D Repairable item. When beyond lower level repair
SMUEA-DE-ETL, Edgewood Arsenal, MD 21010, for
capability, return it to depot. Condemnation and
action on such recommendations. Changes approved
disposal is not authorized below depot level.
will be reflected in a revision to the manual.
L Repairable item. Repair, condemnation, and disposal
g. Illustration. This column is divided as follows:
are not authorized below depot/specialized repair
(1) Figure number. This column indicates the
activity level.
A Item requires special handling or condemnation
figure number of the illustration on which the item is
procedures because of specific reasons (i.e., precious
(2) Item number. This column indicates the
metal content, high-dollar value, critical material or
hazardous material). Refer to appropriate manuals/
callout number used to reference the item on the
directives for specific instructions.
b. Federal Stock Number. This column indicates
4. Special Information
the Federal stock number assigned to the item and will
a. Action change codes indicated in the lefthand
be used for requisitioning purposes.
margin of the listing page denote the following:
c. Description. This column indicates the Federal
N-Indicates an added item
item name and a minimum description required to
C-Indicates a change in data
identify the item. The last line indicates the reference
R-Indicates a change in FSN only
number followed by the applicable Federal supply code
b. The following publications pertain to the ABC-M6
for manufacturer (FSCM) in parentheses. The FSCM is
and ABC-M6A1 filter units and their components:
used as an element in item identification to designate the
TM 3-4240-
Operator's and Organizational
manufacturer or distributor or Government agency; etc.,
Maintenance Manual for Filter
and is identified in SB 708-42.
Unit, gas particulate, GED, 300
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). This column indicates
CFM, ABC-M6A1 and EMD, 300
the standard or basic quantity by which the listed item is
used in performing the actual maintenance function.
TM 3-4240-
Operator's and Organizational
This measure is expressed by a two-character
Maintenance Manual: Filter Unit,
alphabetical abbreviation; e.g., ea for each, and is the
gas-particulate, 300 CFM, EMD,
basis used to indicate quantities and allowances in
ABC-M6 (end item codes 556 &
subsequent columns. When the unit of measure differs
from the unit of issue, the lowest unit of issue that will
c. The illustrations in this manual are identical to
satisfy the required units of measure will be
those published in TM 3-4240-241-34P. Only those
parts assigned a maintenance code O are listed in the
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This column
tabular listing. Only illustrations containing organizational
indicates the quantity of the item used in the breakout
authorized items appear in this manual.
shown on the illustration figure, which is prepared for a
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
functional group, subfunctional group, or an assembly. A
a. When Federal stock number or reference
V appearing in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates
number is unknown:
that no specific quantity is applicable; e.g., shims,
(1) First.
Using the table of contents,
spacers, etc.
determine the functional group within which the repair
f. 15-Day Organizational Maintenance Allowances.
part belongs; i.e., blower assembly, electric motor
(1) An asterisk (*) entered in the allowance
installation; etc. This is necessary since illustrations
subcolumns indicates that the repair part is authorized
for use at the organizational level, and will be