5. How to Locate Repair Parts
Ig .......................................long/length
a. When Federal stock number or reference
mach ..................................machine
number is unknown-
max ....................................maximum
(1) Using the table of contents, determine the
med ...................................medium
functional group, functional subgroup, or assembly
NC .....................................American national coarse
group, i.e., headpiece, hoses, transformer, etc, within
which the repair part belongs. This is necessary since
NF ......................................American
illustrations are prepared for functional group or
functional subgroups and listings are divided into the
nom ...................................nominal
same groups.
od ......................................outside diameter
(2) Find the illustration covering the
pltd .....................................plated
functional group or functional subgroup to which the
rI ........................................roll
repair part belongs.
rt ........................................right
(3) Identify the repair part on the illustration
st ........................................single throw
and note the illustration figure and item number of the
stl .......................................steel
repair part.
UNC ...................................Unified coarse thread
(4) Using the repair parts listing, find the
v ........................................volt
functional group or functional subgroup to which the
wd ......................................wide/width
repair part belongs and locate the illustration figure and
yd .......................................yard
item number noted on the illustration.
b. When Federal stock number or reference
7. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
number is known-
08288.........Military Supply Standards
(1) Using the index of Federal stock numbers
25472.........B. F. Goodrich Company
and reference numbers, find the pertinent Federal stock
500 South Main Street
number or reference number. This index is in ascending
Akron, Ohio 44318
FSN sequence followed by a list of reference numbers
76545.........Mueller Electric Company
in ascending alphanumeric sequence, cross-referenced
1583 East 31st Street
to the illustration figure number and item number.
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
(2) Using the repair parts listing, find the
80205.........National Aerospace Standards Committee,
functional group or functional subgroup of the repair part
Aeronautical Industries Association of
and the illustration figure number and item number
referenced in the index of Federal stock numbers and
Washington, D. C.
reference numbers.
81348.........Federal Specifications
81349.........Military Specifications
6. Abbreviations
81361.........Edgewood Arsenal
Edgewood Arsenal, Md. 21010
ac ................................... alternating current
81895.........Perfecting Service Company
al .................................... aluminum
Breco Division
aly .................................. alloy
332 Atando Street
amp ............................... ampere
Charlotte, N.C. 28205
assy ............................... assembly
82415.........Price Electric Corporation
AWG .............................. American wire gauge
5560 Church Street
CFM ............................... Cubic feet per minute
Frederic, Md 21701
cn ................................... can
83315.........Hubbel Corporation
dc ................................... direct current
407 E. Hawly Street
deg ................................. degree
Mundelein, Ill 60060
dia .................................. diameter
95138.........Perfecting Service Company
ea .................................. each
Charlotte, N.C. 28205
ext .................................. external
96906 ........Military Standards
ft .................................... foot /feet
hex ................................. hexagon
8. Recommendations for Maintenance Manual
hd .................................. head
id .................................... inside diameter
Reporting of errors, omissions, and recommendations
in .................................... inch
for improving this manual by the individual user is
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications) and
forwarded direct to Commanding Officer, Edgewood
Arsenal,- ATTN: SMUEA-TSE-TPL, Edgewood Arsenal,
Md. 21010