4 Prepare the filter holder with a filter as described in steps 16 shown on page 3. and 4.
5 Fasten the alligator clip firmly to the funnel lip, and making a good electrical connection, attach the 4 ft.
length of the grounding lead to a known good ground, such as a copper or similar conductive metal
6 Perform an electrical continuity check on the connected grounding system as set up prior to
proceeding to the next step. Make sure that both base and funnel are at ground potential.
7 If the check shows acceptable conduction within the systems proceed to step 7 (page 4) and carry on
with the filtration operation.
Filtration of flammable liquids should be carried out within a fume hood,
fitted and set up with the appropriate safety measures for this type of
operation. The vacuum pump, if not explosion proof, should be placed
outside of and away from the fume hood opening.
Disassembly and Cleaning
Immediately after use, the filter support screen and gasket should be removed from the holder base, and
all components cleaned with a sponge, hot water and a nonabrasive cleanser. Never use steel wool or
abrasive materials on any part of the holder.
1 The filter support screen is held tightly in the base by friction. To remove it, hold the base upside down
and slightly tilted and strike its edge sharply against a hard, clean surface. Because the screen can
easily be damaged, never use a sharp or pointed instrument to pry it from the base. The small Teflon
gasket can be lifted from the screen recess with forceps, and carefully set aside.
2 A stiff bristled brush is useful in removing traces of stubborn residue, but do not use a brush on the
filter support screen. It can break the screen mesh and cause a ruptured filter. A pipe cleaner with
dete; gent solution is helpful in cleaning the inside of the holder outlet tube.
After cleaning, thoroughly rinse the components with clean water and air dry. Do not wipe with paper
or cloth, which will leave traces of fibers or lint. In rinsing, take special care to flush out the area under
the top of the locking ring. Carefully inspect the components for signs of damage, reassemble the
base with the Teflon gasket underneath the screen (which is always installed with its screen surface
up), wrap the funnel and base separately with Kraft paper or Tyvek, autoclave, if desired, and store for
later use. Over an extended period of use, or after filtering heavily contaminated liquids, the flat Teflon
gasket under the top of the locking ring may accumulate dirt that will interfere with the holders sealing
action. To remove it for special cleaning or replacement, proceed as follows.
4 Invert the funnel and locking ring assembly (without base), and place it on a clean surface. Using the
Allen wrench supplied, slightly loosen the two set screws in the locking ring.
5 Remove the nylon Iockwheels from the locking ring and set them aside, allowing the ring to rest
against the bottom of the funnel. Three set screws in the sealing collar of the funnel will now be